Infection Control Environmental Rounds for One-day Surgery Center

Infection Control Environmental Rounds for One-day Surgery Center

Full and delailed checklist which helps to control everyday situation and prevent spreading of any infections in a same-day surgery center
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Horizontal and vertical surfaces are clean
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is available. Appropriate PPE is used by staff
Sharps containers are less than 3/4 full
Sharps containers are on intravenous tray
Medication preparation area is clean, organized and ready for use
Horisontal and vertical surfaces are clean
Trash cans and linen hampers are not over filled
Trash and linen are handled per policy
Suction canisters are handled per policy
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is available. Appropriate PPE is used by staff
Sharps containers are less than 3/4 full
Sharps containers are secured properly
Scope cleaning is done according to manufacturer's instructions
Scopes are labeled and stored according to policy
No paper supplies or patient care items are stored under sinks
Procedure room, including Anesthesia Carts, are cleaned and disinfected between patients
Safe medication preparation and administration practices are followed
Intravenous (IV) bags are not spiked more than 1 hour prior to use
DSD's are maintained and operated according to manufactured's instructions (DSD as dry sterile dressing). Logs are maintained
Procedure rooms are terminally cleaned at the end of the day
Operating Room (OR)
Horizontal and vertical suefaces are clean
Trash cans and linen hampers are emptied between each case. Trash and linen is handled per policy.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is available. Appropriate PPE is used by staff
Sharps containers are less than 3/4 full
Sharps containers are secured properly
No paper supplies or patient care items are stored under sinks
Safe medication preparation and administration practices are followed
Operating room, including Anesthesia Carts, are cleaned and disinfected between patients
Containers are securely closed for transport
All OR,s are terminally cleaned at the end of the day
Sterilizers are tested daily according to manufacturer's instructions
Sterile processing and storage is done according to policy
Disinfection trays have expiration date and are not expired
Log books are complete and up to date. Disinfection test strips, biological indicators, immediate use, chemical indicators, mechanical indicators
Sterilization equipment is in good working condition
Preventive maintainance program is in place for sterilizers
Employee protection measures are implemented during sterile processing
Event related sterilization packaging is used
Surgical teams are observed during procedure and masks are securely in place prior to entering the OR
Time out process completed according policy
Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU)
Horizontal and vertical surfaces are clean
Trash cans and linen hampers are not over filled. Trash and linen is handled per policy
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is available. Appropriate PPE is used by staff
Sharps containers are less than 3/4 full
Sharps containers are secured properly
Glucose monitor is clean and only one time use lancets are available
No paper supplies or patient care items are stored under sinks
Medication preparation area is clean, organized and ready for use
Safe medication preparation and administration practices are followed
Patien bays and carts are cleaned and disinfected according to procedure between each patient
Nurses stations
Horizontal and vertical surfaces are clean and free of clutter
No food present, only drinks with lids
Clean linen is stored in a covered cart
Soiled linen hampers have impervious liner or are emptied regulary
Soiled linen is removed from building on a regular schedule
Clean and dirty linen are kept separate
Hazardous/ biological waste
Goor is labeled. Biohazard symbol is on the door. Emergency call button operational.
Waste containers have correct emblem, are dated and bags are correctly tied and closed
OSHA compliant storage containers are used. Including sharps containers
Pick up for transfer is on a specified schedule.
Appropriate wasre manifests are maintained
Red bags are available in each regulated medical waste container
Door is labeled. Room is clean and uncluttered. Trash is in appropriate bag
Pick up for transfer is on a specified schedule.
Clean Storage areas - clean utility, equipment, sterile items, supplies, receiving
Horizontal and vertical surfaces are clean. Area is clean and uncluttered
Supplies are at least 18 inches from the ceiling and 6 inches from the floor
No patient care items or paper products are stored under sinks
Daily temperature is checked and recorded appropriately on medication refrigerators. Correct temp range 36-46F
Refrigerators have single uses. Medication, Staff Food, Patient Supplies. No batteries shoud be stored in the refrigerator.
Refrigerators are routinely cleaned and cleaning is documented
Offices/ Reception
Horizontal and vertical surfaces and floors are clean
Waiting room
Horizontal and vertical surfaces and floors are clean
Hand Hygiene
Sinks for handwashing are appropriately stocked with soap, paper towels and waste can
Alcohol hand rubs are available near patient care areas and other areas as needed
Placement of alcohol hand rubs comply with regulations
Hand hygiene is monitired for staff copliance
Staff do not wear artificial nails. Nail polish is less than 4 days old.
Only hospital approved hand lotion is available, so glove protection is not compromised